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Mandurah Wildlife Appoint Operations Manager

Howard Priestley
Mandurah Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre - Operations Manager
Ian Edwards - Newly appointed Operations Manager, out and about in the Wildlife Centre's Prado.

Newly appointed, Operations Manager, Ian Edwards, grew up in Dianella at a time when kangaroos used to nibble grass on suburban lawns. He has always had an interest in wildlife and laments the loss of habitat that urban development has brought.

As an 11-year-old in Dianella he wrote to Prince Phillip who at the time was President of the International WWF, expressing his concern. He addressed his envelope c/o Buckingham Palace and much to his surprise, a few weeks later he received a letter from the London Zoological Gardens. The letter said that Prince Phillip had passed on his letter and told Ian that he was now an Honorary Wildlife Ranger.

Appointing paid staff is a critical part of the Mandurah Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre’s Ten-Year-Plan to develop its capability and service to the community. Since its inception 15 years ago, the Centre has been wholly dependent on volunteers.

Ian’s work covers a range of areas that include maintenance and assisting with the management of what, still remains, the backbone of the organisation – the volunteers.

Releasing wildlife back into nature

On the day, I spoke to Ian, he was getting clearance to release a duck that came in with a dislocated toe – yes, ducks have toes. After getting the various clearances required including the okay from a vet, he and volunteer Debbie McArthur went down to Inlet and released the duck who joyously flew off into the blue yonder.

The volunteers of the Mandurah Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre have released another one of their patients, a duck with a dislocated toe.
The joy of releasing an animal back into its natural habitat!


Help us treat and release all wounded and sick animals that are brought to our Intensive Care every day.


A monthly $10 donation goes a long way towards the rehabilitation of little creatures.


We need your help!


We are always in need of more volunteers, to take care of the animals, to assist the fundraising team and many other tasks.


Is this something for you? Then please let us know you are interested, by filling out our volunteer form. 


Hope to see you soon!

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Mandurah Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre

1400 Old Coast Road


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